Friday, September 11, 2009

If today was your last day... (an answer for Henry)

Gloomy weather here in the NYC metro area befitting the aura of the day. It's 9/11- and in the back of everyone's mind everyone remembers what they were doing when they heard the news.

I was presented with a question from Henry (to help with his research)- and although I answered in a tweet- 140 characters can not do my answer justice.

What would you do if you only had one day left to live?

A very fitting question on a day when people are thinking about the lives we lost.

Here's my answer:
It would be a blessing to know that it would be my last day- so that I could tell all the people that I loved how important they are to me and how empty my life would have been without them. I would also tell everyone that I have ever held a grudge with or am angry at- that I forgive them- because who wants to die angry?

Then I would sit down and write a letter to my son, Nolan, to read when he grows up. I would tell him all the important lessons that I've learned in my life, I would tell him about my mistakes and my triumphs and about the importance of surrounding yourself with good hearted people who really care about you. I would also tell him that getting to know him and learn about him was the single most important thing in my life. (And yes.. I'm in tears as I type this out now - I'm such a sap)

I then would do two things that really make me happy- First I would take one ski run in Telluride, CO and go straight down without stopping- feeling the rush and cold air in my face. The second thing I would do is to throw a big BBQ and invite everyone I know and love to have steaks and a seafood boil long into the night.

If I could fit all this into one day- it would be my perfect last day.

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