Saturday, August 01, 2009

Sarah's Bachelorette Dance Class- pics!

I love Angel.

Angel is my hero- and I've only met him today. Angel has shown me that there is hope for me yet. In two hours- he has taught me and 16 other girls a cute little dance routine! YAY!

So the idea of doing a dance class for Sarah's bachelorette was a no brainer. If there is one thing anyone knows about Sarah- it's that she loves to dance. I personally believe that she was a spanish dancer in a previous life but that is besides the point.

Lovely Tang finds Angel, our dance instructor and a great studio to rent out for the class. Did I say great studio? Ok- well Ripley Grier Studios was friggin awesome and we were surrounded by people auditioning for shows and practicing for broadway musicals.

Let the pictures speak for themselves: (Click for pictures)